Rhee Taekwon-Do
Rhee Taekwon-Do provides a wide range of health benefits across all dimensions of health. Students develop physical strength, endurance, speed, power, balance, coordination and flexibility whilst building self- discipline, self- control and self- esteem all at the same time.
Students who participate in Rhee Taekwondo perform better in all other aspects of their lives due to increased focus and having developed the mental toughness to push themselves further and harder than ever before.
Rhee Taekwondo not only teaches effective and dynamic self-defence techniques, it also builds well rounded successful people who excel in all aspects of their lives.

What some happy Rhee students say:
""I love the atmosphere, the instructors are highly skilled, and everyone supports each other to be the best version of themselves. "
Racheal G
"I used to be shy and didn't feel like I could succeed at anything, but the instructors believed in me and now I am a black belt"
Nick T
"At first I thought it would be really hard, but after a few lessons I was surprised how quickly I started to improve.
Ashley L